Diplomacy (RP only)

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Diplomacy (RP only)

Post by thechurchofsatan »


Diplomacy is defined as:

1. The art or practice of conducting international relations, as in negotiating alliances, treaties, and agreements.

2. Tact and skill in dealing with people


Diplomacy is dealing with people, plain and simple. Examples of diplomacy would be discussing alliances, compromising with nations, basically political discussions. Diplomacy is also an effective substitute for war. You can talk your way out of just about any situation, you just need to know how to do it properly. Political pressure on top of great reasoning and speaking skills, can put a cap on even the most volitile situation, you just need to be willing to do so.


All the time! Most of what you do on NS is diplomacy, but all too often, diplomacy goes right out the window. Here's an example:

Nation A: I just purchased 1,000 nukes, what are you going to do about it?

Nation B: I declare war on nation A for buying such weapons!


Here's what should have happened.

Nation A: I just purchased 1,000 nukes, what are you going to do about it?

Nation B: Nothing, but we request that these weapons not be carelessly used. It is in the best interests of the world that weapons of this nature not be needlessly tossed around. Thank you.

See? You get the point across without having to ship your troops out. Using the second example, nation A won't feel as if he's being backed into a corner, or forced to use such weapons. Again, diplomacy solves another problem.


Face it, at some point, talk goes right out the window. BUT, that does not mean that diplomatic solutions cannot still be sought. A nation facing invasion may want to keep diplomatic options open. It is never too late for diplomacy, remember that. If things do break down and degenerate into war, refer to this thread for more advice. Everything about War


If you choose the pen over the sword, expect the following things to happen:

-Nations will have more respect for you.
-You avert a conflict that could lead to the death of thousands
-You make yourself look more professional, and not some war hungry fool
-Nations will be more willing to help you out if indeed you do get into a conflict.


We all know this is reason #1 for being on NationStates, admit it. War can be hours of fun: a conflict between two nations, trading blows, taking their losses, and one nation triumphing over another, with the victor getting the spoils and the bragging rights.

But....sadly, that's not what you see here nowadays. What you see it this:

Nation A: Steel for sale! High quality steel for sale, and cheap!

Nation B: I declare war on you. I want your steel.

Nation A: WHAT?!?!?!? You've got to be kidding me...

Nation C: Nation B has the support of the ACBDE Alliance, and all 317 members.

Nation A: This sucks, you're all wankers!

{insert flame war here}

That is the extent of war here on NS. Here are the main reasons for why you'd want to go to war in the first place.


1. Attack on your nation/territory

Naturally, if somebody launches an invasion of your nation, by all means, go at it. If somebody launches a missile at you (for example), you may want to use diplomatic options first. Diplomatic pressure can solve almost any situation if you put real effort into it.

2. Attack on an ally

This is cause #1 for war on NS. Because of vast friendships on NS, war for this reason is very common. As an ally of a nation, you may feel obligated to defend them, and that is understandable. But you do not need to make all of your allies business your business. You have a nation to run as well, you can't alway rush off to protect your 4 dozen allies (or how ever many you have). But that's not to say you can't aid your allies. Sending weapons, ammo, money, equipment can be just as effective as sending your own soldiers. Perfect example: in WW2, the US knew Brittain and France were being threatened by Germany, but they refrained from just hopping in, until they were provoked into action. But before then, they sent aid to their allies. (DO NOT DISCUSS WW2 IN THIS THREAD, THAT WAS AN EXAMPLE)

3. Regional invasions

I've never had first hand experience with regional politics, so if anybody wants to contribute to this reason, feel free.

4. Human rights violations

The Amerigo Slave War is a textbook example of this reason. BUT, however, you don't need to attack somebody simply because their civil rights aren't as high as yours. Mass genocide, brutal enslavement, and other such things are grounds for war, but AFTER diplomacy has run it's course.

5. WMD possession

This reason is slightly exaggerated. A nation has the right to possess WMD, and use it when neccessary. BUT, if they go around gassing neighbor nations for giggles, then there may be a problem (but again, DIPLOMACY FIRST). Simply possessing WMD is not sufficiant grounds for war, but abuse may be, each situation is unique.


1. He insulted me

So what? If you rush off to war for this reason, you need to grow a thicker skin. As absurd as it seems, I've seen war erupt for this reason. Insults happen, don't take it personally. Remember "sticks and stones"?

2. I want his land

Being imperialistic is generally frowned upon. Unless justified and well RPed, simply "wanting" somebody else's territory will generally land you in the Smackdown Hotel. Imperialism may also be viewed as warmongering.

Warmongering: One who advocates or attempts to stir up war.

3. My ally is going to war

Good for him, but unless it directly involves you, don't. Remember, you have a nation to look after as well, you can't constantly bend to the will of an ally. His reasons for war may be legit, but that dosen't mean you need to butt in and dogpile some nation he's fighting against.

4. I feel like it, because I'm bored

Again, generally considered idiodic, and warmongering. UNLESS of couse it's a couple of friends RPing out a conflict for fun, in which case, you shouldn't interfere.

5. I want to rule teh world!!!1111Shift+1
For one thing, you can't. NationStates has over 70,000 nations. Do you think your military, even your ENTIRE population for that matter, can conquer that many people? Also, you can't declare war on the forum or the UN, sorry.

6. He said my mom was fat

NEVER, EVER DECLARE WAR FOR OOC (out of character) REASONS!!! I don't care if your friend was being a jerk at school, that's not a good reason to declare war, forget about it.


Instead of rushing off to battle like some trigger happy cowboy, try to following:

1. Diplomacy: The art or practice of conducting international relations, as in negotiating alliances, treaties, and agreements... Tact and skill in dealing with people.
2. Compromise: (I'll back down if you will)
3. Sanctions: Authoritative permission or approval that makes a course of action valid (If you launch another nuke, there will be problems)
4. Compliance: (Alright, I'll cut back on my VX, just don't attack me)
5. Threat of force: (Look, if you invade, the ABCDE Alliance will step in. )
Threat of force has averted many a war, I should know because I too use this tactic.
6. Sever all ties with the nation: You know what, I'm not trading nor interacting with your nation again. Good Day.


Alliances are all well and fine, but the line has to be drawn somewhere. Every single day, more alliances spring up, most are for war related purposes. Having alliances is fine, but DO NOT use that as an excuse to push around others that are not as large as you. Doing so will make your alliance look like a schoolyard bully, instigating any conflict they can. This is not a good way to make a respcetable name for yourselves. Alliances are fine, BUT do not use that alliance to A) Butt into wars B) Instigate wars simply because you have a few dozen powerful nations in it C) Force your will upon others, because that always leads to conflict.


If 2 nations are at war, and they are RPing it well, LEAVE IT ALONE. Don't muscle your way into it because you want to join in the fun. It's their RP, don't ruin it. Most people fail to realize the RP value that exists in war. Those old enough to remember the Amerigo War, the AMF civil war, etc. know that through war, great RP can come. DON'T TAKE A GOOD WAR RP AND RUIN IT.


War can have serious consequence, which is generally ignored on NS. Every time you ship out, you make yourself more vulnerable to attack. If you fight frequently, your troops are going to get tired, and disgruntled. If your economy is bad, it's probably going to get worse, likewise if it is good. Your industry is going to suffer, seeing as during wartime, production shifts to war related items, IE guns, tanks, etc. Face it, setbacks do happen. I don't care if you're the most powerful nation around, if you ship out once a day, your nation is going down the gutter.

War also effects your performance. Fighting a nation that's larger, better equiped, more experienced, etc, may effect your troops morale. Also, remember that defendes tend to fight harder, for it is their homes they are fighting for. Also, remember that supplies are critical. You don't honestly, think your tanks can drive without gas? Can your troops shoot without ammo? Can your trucks drive with no tires? ALOT of people forget about these things, but you need to rememeber that supplies are critical, and if your supply lines are attacked, then your troops will be in trouble.

Also, war can have diplomatic consequences as well. Some nations may frown upon your for frequently choosing the sword over the pen. Expect this to happen if you go off to war frequently.


For you new nations, you may be asking this question. The best advice I can give, is to read The Role-Playing FAQ. It goes into great detail about how to RP war.
Also, you way want to read FYI: What GODMODDING is. You need to understand what godmodding is, and how you can avoid it.


The AMF Civil War
Amerigo Slave War


Due to general ignorance about these feared and extremely deadly weapons, I am going to inform you of just what happens when a nuclear device explodes.


Most damage to cities from large weapons comes from the explosive blast. The blast drives away air from the site of the explosion, producing sudden changes in air pressure (called static overpressure) that can crush objects, and high winds (called dynamic pressure) that can move them suddenly or knock them down. In general, large buildings are destroyed by the overpressure, while people and objects such as trees and utility poles are destoyed by the wind.

Direct Nuclear Radiation

Nuclear weapons inflict ionizing radiation on people, animals, and plants in two different ways. Direct radiation occurs at the time of the explosion; it can be very intense, but its range is Iimited. Fallout radiation is received from particles that are made radioactive by the effects of the explosion, and subsequently distributed at varying distances from the site of the blast. Fallout is discussed in a subsequent sect ion. For large nuclear weapons, the range of intense direct radiation is less than the range of lethal blast and thermal radiation effects. However, in the case of smaller weapons, direct radiation may be the lethal effect with the greatest range. Direct radiation did substantial damage to the residents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Thermal Radiation

Approximately 35 percent of the energy from a nuclear explosion is an intense burst of thermal radiation, i.e., heat. The effects are roughly analogous to the effect of a 2-second flash from an enormous sunlamp. Since the thermal radiation travels at the speed of light (actually a bit slower, since it is deflected by particles in the atmosphere), the flash of light and heat precedes the blast wave by several seconds, just as lightning is seen before the thunder is heard.

Electromagnetic Pulse

Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is an electromagnetic wave similar to radio waves, which results from secondary reactions occurring when the nuclear gamma radiation is absorbed in the air or ground. It differs from the usual radio waves in two important ways. First, it creates much higher electric field strengths. Whereas a radio signal might produce a thousandth of a volt or less in a receiving antenna, an EMP pulse might produce thousands of volts. Secondly, it is a single pulse of energy that disappears completely in a small fraction of a second. In this sense, it is rather similar to the electrical signal from lightning, but the rise in voltage is typically a hundred times faster. This means that most equipment designed to protect electrical facilities from lightning works too slowly to be effective against EMP.


While any nuclear explosion in the atmosphere produces some fallout, the fallout is far greater if the burst is on the surface, or at least low enough for the fireball to touch the ground. The fallout from air bursts alone poses long-term health hazards, but they are trivial compared to the other consequences of a nuclear attack. The significant hazards come from particles scooped up from the ground and irradiated by the nuclear explosion.


This is what would happe if a nuke exploded on a city.

12 psi
(pounds per square inch)
Radius of blast: 1.7 miles
Population after blast: 0

At the center of the ring lies a crater 200 feet deep and 1000 feet in diameter. The rim of this crater is 1,000 feet wide and is composed of highly radioactive soil and debris. Nothing recognizable remains within about 3,200 feet (0.6 miles) from the center.

5 psi
Radius of blast: 2.7 miles
Population after blast: 0

Virtually everything is destroyed between the 12 and 5 psi rings. The walls of typical multi-story buildings, including apartment buildings, have been completely blown out & the owners ask for a rent raise anyway.

2 psi
Radius of blast: 4.7 miles
Population after blast: 10%

Any single-family residences that have not been
completely destroyed are heavily damaged. The
windows of office buildings have been blown away, as
have some of their walls. Everything on these buildings'
upper floors, including the people who were working
there, are thrown onto the streets.

1 psi
Radius of blast: 7.4 miles Population after blast: 35%

Residences are moderately damaged. Commercial buildings have sustained minimal damage. Twenty-five percent of the population between the 2 and 1 psi rings have been injured, mainly by flying concrete, debris & sewage.

As you see, this is just the effects of 1 nuclear bomb going off. Now, try to imagine a few thousand going off. Even though NS earth is larger than Jupiter, the world would be screwed if some of the "thousand nuke" launches really happen. The environment will change, and with the amount of particles thrown into the air, life as we know it would be endangered. Also, if you think that detonating this many weapons won't effect those that are innocent, think again. Jet streams can blow radioactive particles into other nations, who may not have been involved. PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, THINK BEFORE YOU LAUNCH.


There seems to be alot of confusion surrounding economy, and what exactly economical level means, so here's the lo-down:

Basket Case

These economic levels are at the bottom of the bucket. At these levels, your #1 priority should be improving your economic level, and feeding your people and keeping your nation from falling apart internally should be the most important thing on your agenda. At this point, building up your military, making significant purchases, and other things should be put on the back burner. Real life examples of nations with these economic levels are Somalia, and other 3rd world nations.


This economic level is better, but still far from best. Again, you should try and focus on getting your economy up, and try not to waste your precious money on commodities. Not to say that you can't start building a military, but remember, nations that devote all of their funds to the military will surely be doomed. I don't think starving people would appreciate M1A2's instead of food. Applying for aid can help your nation RP wise, but it won't increase your nation stats sadly.

Very Good
Very Strong

Now you're starting to become a contender! You now have a stable economy, and you can start freely building a military, or researching, or anything you'd like. Again, your conomy is not the best, but you can more than handle your own now. Your production is in full swing, and your nation is close to the real life United States.

All consuming

These economic levels surpass the real life United States. Your economy is dominate, and you can afford alot of the "toys" that nations of weaker economies can't afford. Most nations with these economies start space programs, weapons stores, and tend to be the ones giving aid to the economically smaller natons!


This is THE best economy in the game. A Frightening economy would put the US's to shame. Frightening basically means that your economy is so good, that others are intimidated and are in awe of your production capabilities. At this level, you have cash pouring out of your ears, but spend it wisely, even Frightening nations can run out of money if it's spent foolishly.

In conclusion, try to make decisons based on your economic rating. Basket Case nations shouldn't be starting nuclear programs, so please, use your head.

Longest Consecutively Serving Officer in TRR History
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