EU - July 2020 Update

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EU - July 2020 Update

Post by Inquista »

European Union

Regional update for the month of July, 2020

European Commission

Premier Commissioner Eilidh Whiteford (Icholasen)
Commissioner of Internal Affairs Jean Claude Juncker (Spain)
Commissioner of Foreign Affairs Antoni Reynels (Inquista)

European Council

Speaker Edward Firoux (Inquista)
Deputy Speaker Marion Rousselot (Gallorum)

European Court of Justice

Chief Justice Andreas Ekka (Fremet)
Justice Frans Svenson (Mennrimiak)
Justice Anne Gruwez (Malborya)
Justice Francois Mori (Gallorum)
Justice Luis López Guerra (Spain)

Unification Talks in Eastern Haane
The Commissioner of Internal Affairs has been invited to mediate talks between the People's Confederation and the seceded cantons in Eastern Haane. The People's Confederation and the new confederation of cantons of Eastern Haane both claim to be the acting and legitimate governments of the country. Commissioner Jean-Claude Juncker has now met with the leaders in Kiel, Eastern Haane's capital, in order to begin the discussion process for the unification of the country.

A Meeting of Leaders
The heads of state and heads of government of the member states of the European Union came together for a multilateral meeting, which was mediated by the Commissioner of Internal Affairs. Representatives from 16 different member states attended the meeting altogether. The leaders discussed various European infrastructure projects, climate change, visa-free travel, international trade, and epidemic preparedness. The leaders also discussed the contentious relations between Spain and Reitzmag, the political situation in Nofoaga, and the security threat posed by the UNSR. While the leaders reached little agreement or consensus on most issues, the meeting ended with many leaders reiterating their belief that the EU should remain united and steadfast in its democratic values, and should take more action in isolating the UNSR. The Commissioner of Internal Affairs was praised for the meeting, particularly for his ability to gather so many leaders together in one place.

Making Friends with Rejects
The Commissioner of Foreign Affairs reached out to The Rejected Realms in order to establish diplomatic relations between the region and the European Union. Embassies of the respective regions have been established in the Rejected Realms and in Europolis.


Amendments to the Condemnation of the Coup in Icholasen
The European Council is currently debating new amendments to the Condemnation of the Coup in Icholasen. With Reitzmag leasing lands to the Nicoleizian Government in Exile, the Reitzmic Councillor has proposed amendments to recognise these new lands while maintaining an embargo on the lands currently controlled by the communist regime. Meanwhile, the Council Speaker has proposed tougher measures to further isolate the communists in the UNSR.

Trouble in Eastern Haane
A Council discussion on the latest events in Eastern Haane is underway. Councillor Bourgaize of Eastern Haane has warned the European Council that the country is on the brink of civil war as the country’s cantons and its People's Confederation both claim supreme control.

Net Neutrality Act
Speaker Firoux of Inquista authored the Net Neutrality Act, which was passed in an 8-1 vote. The Net Neutrality Act aims to protect the freedom of internet use and the free flow of internet communication. The main provision of the act requires internet service providers to treat all internet communication and traffic equally without discrimination.

Reitzmic-Nicoleizian Tensions
The European Council discussed the recent tensions between Reitzmag and the communist government of the UNSR, which almost resulted in a war between the two powers. The majority of Council members pushed for a de-escalation of the situation, and asked the Reitzmic government to honour their existing agreement made with the Nicoleizians at Nyetthem.

European Health Organization Act
Councillor Evergreen of Malborya and Speaker Firoux of Inquista proposed the European Health Organization Act. The act establishes the European Health Organization (EHO) to monitor, research and collect data on public health, and coordinate responses to public health risks. The act was passed in a 10-0 vote.

Ocean Protection Act
The Council Speaker proposed the Ocean Protection Act, which was passed in a 5-0 vote. The act seeks to preserve Europe’s oceans as viable ecosystems by reducing the amount of pollution caused by human activity. The act requires member states to cease the dumping of waste and sewage into oceans, minimize oil and other spillages, ban the use of single-hulled oil tankers, and it designates certain areas as sensitive oceanic ecosystems (SOE) which prohibit commercial activity.

Amendments to the European Budget Act
Councillor Van Allen of Reitzmag attempted to amend the European Budget Act. The initially proposed amendments sought to divert budget-making powers away from the European Council to the European Central Bank, but those amendments were later amended and watered-down to a series of amendments that made little changes. Ultimately, the amendments were later withdrawn by the Reitzmic Councillor.

Council Committee on Political Freedoms
Councillor Bourgaize of Eastern Haane proposed his Act for the Creation of a Council Committee on Political Freedoms, which mirrored a similar proposal he had made in the past. The act sought to create a committee on classifying and evaluating the democratic integrity of the European Union’s member states. The act was defeated in a 4-7 vote.

Amendments to the European Heritage Site Act
The European Heritage Site Act was amended twice this month, the first time by Councillor Tusk of Spain, and then again later by Speaker Firoux of Inquista. The first round of amendments shifted the majority of budgetary responsibility for the European Heritage Sites from the European Union to the governments of the member states themselves, which was passed in a close 3-2 vote. The second round of amendments clarified the language of the act, which passed 5-1.

Repeal, Repeal, Repeal, Repeal
Speaker Firoux proposed a singular motion to repeal four separate pieces of legislation: the European Common Culture and Education Act, Refugee Protection Act, European Finance Agency Act and the Committee Reform Act. The pieces of legislation were argued to be ineffective, unnecessary and too commonly disregarded. The repeals were passed in a 9-0 vote.


Andries van Hoebeek v. The Keil Workers' Council
Former Supreme Councillor Andries van Hoebeek of Eastern Haane has taken the Kiel Workers' Council to the European Court of Justice for violating his right to habeas corpus and his right to a fair trial (Section IX and X of the European Union’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights). The appellant and the respondent have completed making their opening rebuttals.


A Supersonic Disaster… Or A Supersonic Plot?
The test flight of Needletail One, the first ever supersonic aircraft of Inimicus, ended in disaster. The aircraft, which was also carrying the country’s Emperor and several other high-ranking members of government, caught on fire as it performed an emergency landing. Emperor Artabanos was left in critical condition, but survived the crash. The Emperor is currently in recovery. 34 people died and 14 were wounded in the incident. It was initially believed that the Needletail One suffered from mechanical failure, but new evidence is emerging that a projectile was the cause of the incident.

Sharing Is Caring
The government of Reitzmag has agreed to lease lands to Icholasen's Government in Exile until the rest of the country has been returned to democratic rule. The leased lands include the highly prized territory of Copala City.

A Nation Divided
Extreme partisanship between various leaders of Eastern Haane resulted in heavy division within the country’s legislative assemblies. The sharp divide in partisanship resulted in a car bombing in the city of Calais, which injured one of Eastern Haane’s major leaders. On the same day, State Elder Comtois ordered the dissolution of the country’s legislative assemblies, and then proceeded to commit suicide shortly afterward. State Elder Comtois’ order was negated, as she was ruled to have been not in the right state of mind, and the country’s legislatures did not dissolve themselves. Many members of the country’s workers' councils were then recalled, and the Confederation Council of Eastern Haane, the country’s highest political body, nationalized many of the country’s key industries. All 29 of the country’s cantons have now declared independence. The country’s cantons and the Confederation Council are now in a stalemate as they both claim to be in control. Meanwhile, the State of Haane-Keste could secede from the country entirely, as a result of long-standing issues among its heavily indigenous population.

No, We’re Not Doing That 💙
This month saw President Nikola N'nago of Nofoaga order new parliamentary elections for the country, and his decision to resign from his position as president. Lula Namatatiki, the Speaker of the National Assembly of Nofoaga, was made the interim President of the country. Now, four weeks into her term, President Lula Namatatiki has cancelled the upcoming parliamentary elections. The Constitutional Court of Nofoaga has ruled that President Lula Namatatiki has acted in proper accordance of the law.

Stop Right There Criminal Scum
A cargo ship docked in Port Hilson, Leagio, was recently found to be carrying uranium. The ship, known as the Romain – named after the Romain region of Icholasen – was believed to be in the process of smuggling the uranium from Leagio to the UNSR. Trade between UNSR and Leagio is currently prohibited, and thus those on board of the ship have been charged with smuggling nuclear material, illegal trade and fraud sailing.

By-elections in Inimicus
By-elections in Inimicus are underway for its National Imperial Council. After the crash landing of the supersonic Needletail One, four Imperial Councillors tragically passed away in the incident. Their seats are now vacant and are being contested. A new populist movement simply known as the "Emperor's Finest” are challenging the country’s traditional parties for the empty seats.

Councillor Election in Vayinaod
Incumbent Councillor of Vayinaod to the European Union, Carita Falk, cruised to an easy victory in the country’s most recent European Councillor election. Councillor Falk received 66% of the vote, while her opponents Diana Voll and Avi Ovesen received 17% and 15% of the vote respectively.

Another Councillor Election, Another One Dead
Leagio held the first round of its election for its Councillor to the European Union. Incumbent Councillor Francis Plessis of the Civil Populist Party came out on top with 33% of the vote, and will go up against second-place Marie-Laure Lahaye of the Progressive Alliance Party, who won 32% of the vote. Hugo Walthelet, the candidate from Social Democratic Party, who came in last place with 2.76% of the vote, was found murdered within his party headquarters days later. The second round of the election will take place in August.

I Do
Council Speaker Edward Firoux of Inquista has been wed to former Premier Commissioner Gisela Stuart of Angleter. The couple were wed at a private ceremony in New Birmingham, Angleter. The wedding was described as “like a fairy tale out of story book.”

¡Oh, El Escándalo!
It has been revealed that King Juan Carlos of Spain received approximately €100 million in donations from various countries in 2008. Much of this money has been transferred to differing tax heavens, and has never previously been declared to Spanish authorities. This information was retrieved from Corinna Larsen, King Juan Carlos' former secret lover, who was kidnapped by vigilante Spanish authorities while hiding out in Saint Dominico, Inquista.

The Beef Is Boiling
Tensions rose between Reitzmag and the UNSR, which almost resulted in full-scale conflict. The renewed tensions began as the government of Reitzmag backtracked on its recognition of the UNSR, which seemed to contradict the peace accords made between the two countries (and others) at Nyetthem. The UNSR reacted to the news by launching an ICBM into the Caspian Sea, near Reitzmag, and another into space, which almost hit the Reitzmic Cansey Space Station. A state of emergency was declared in Reitzmag. The government of Reitzmag has not recognised the UNSR, but it has paid a sum of money owed to the UNSR as stipulated by the Nyetthem Accords.

Europe’s Sexiest Man Alive
Speaker Firoux has been named the Sexiest Man Alive for 2020 by Vogue Varda, one of the leading fashion publications of Vayinaod. As part of his reward for being named Sexiest Man Alive, the Speaker won a tremendous ₭1.5 million (€2.985 million) prize, which he donated to various environmental causes in Vayinaod, Spain, Fremet and the Duxburian Union.

Strait Rights
Spain has imposed taxes on cargo ships which cross the Strait of Gibraltar and the Strait of Adventuranza.

There is Only One Lord… And That Ain’t You
Cécile Laucre, the TANKIE leader of Icholasen’s Ausnat, passed her bill to ban land lords in the UNSR. '”Landlords - what do they really do?” she asked the Ausnat. The bill was passed through both chambers of the Socialist Congress and was signed into law by the Korojaunu.

Muale Becomes A State
The National Congress of Leagio has agreed to provide full statehood to its territory of Muale. However, like all good things, there is a catch. The former territory would lose its northern counties surrounding its capital district, which will become the new Territory of Wilson, while the rest of the territory will become the State of Muale.

Size Matters
The UNSR and Inquista both released new budgets for their respective states, both of which included significantly larger expenditure for their militaries. Inquistan military spending went from 9% to 14.5% of the national budget, while military spending increased to 19% of the national budget in the UNSR. Some Inqusitan bishops have voiced their concern about the arms race between the country and the UNSR.

You Probably haven’t Heard of It, It’s Very Underground
An underground settlement has been uncovered in Bonidelva National Park in Malborya. 80 individuals were found to be living in the underground settlement, who were all then detained for questioning. 48 of the individuals have since been released. Days prior to the discovery of the settlement, a 14 year old boy was found dead in Bonidelva National Park.

Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side
Czech Slavia has increased its border fortification with neighbouring Malborya, with hopes to prevent border crossings between the two countries. Czech experts believe that the increased fortifications are likely a result of Inquista’s Communist Refugee Program, which may be attracting some Czechs to move to Inquista via Malborya.

Crusade Against Corrupt Acquisitions
Major General Max Karstensen, Commander of Vayinaod’s Air Corps' Air Material and Test Command, admitted that the Air Corps' acquisition program for airplane upgrades and overhauls was flawed and filled with corruption. An independent commission is being called to conduct a review of all acquisitions over the last four years. Archkonsul Kristian Nylund has vowed that there will be no tolerance for further corruption and bribery.

Spaced Out
July saw Reitzmag launch two separate Falcon 9 rockets into space. Both rockets were launched as part of the SpaceX Program, headed by Elon Musk, who has been named by the European Internal Affairs Commissioner as the new Director of the European Space Agency.

Take Us To Mars
The space programs of Vayinaod and Fremet successfully conducted the launch of their joint Mars orbiter and rover project. After failing to launch the project during the last transfer window nearly three years ago, the two space programs successfully utilized a modified version of the Chariot B launch system to send the Mars Imaging, Reconnaissance, Atmospheric (MIRA) Orbiter, and rover named Eftirför.

Still Taking the Long, Scenic, Democratic Route
The federal election saga continues to unfold at a snail pace in Fremet. The final part of the national leader’s debate took place in July, in which the leaders of the top 7 political parties gave their pitches as to why they deserve the support of Fremetian voters. Europeans are beginning to wonder if the Fremetian election is going the way of the Tour of Angleter, but they remain cautiously optimistic.


RetroVoice 1985
In order to re-live their glory days and instill communist nostalgia into Nicoleizians, the national broadcaster of the UNSR has decided to re-air the 1985 edition of EuroVoice, which took place in their country. The broadcast has been picked up around Europe, and now Europeans are tuning into the 1985 EuroVoice competition and fondly remembering their own country’s performance in the contest. Stay tuned to find out who won EuroVoice 1985… which already happened…

The European Union has agreed to participate in the 10000 Islands’ first-ever Tacovision contest as a united team. In order to select the European Union’s entry, a selection contest was organized with the 9 most recent winners of the EuroVoice competition. In the end, George Ezra of Angleter (winner of EuroVoice 32) was selected to represent the EU in TacoVoice. We’re cheering you on, George!

The second round of the Eurocook competition is underway in Leagio. For the second challenge, participating teams have been tasked with preparing a dinner dish for the judges.

This regional update has been issued by the Commissioner of Foreign Affairs.
Commissioner of Foreign Affairs, European Union
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