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Joint Statement: Resolution of Talks between TRR and Europeia

Posted: 04 Jul 2023, 00:10
by Pland Adanna

Joint Statement: Resolution of Talks between TRR and Europeia

Europeia and The Rejected Realms recently embarked on renewed diplomatic talks, observed and facilitated by other members of Aegis. The result of those talks is the following joint statement.

Europeia apologises to TRR for mishandling TRR's sensitive information by receiving the information without promptly notifying TRR, which would have been the proper response. This information came originally from a citizens-only discussion area on TRR's forum, from which information must not be shared with non-citizens. Europeia recognises TRR's interest in preserving the integrity and confidentiality of its restricted-access areas, and the negative effect that undermining it has on TRR's wellbeing. By using the post in diplomatic talks with TNP, Europeia further disseminated the confidential information without notifying TRR. Europeia's decision not to communicate with TRR beforehand played a part in creating the original incident, so Europeia has resolved to communicate promptly and openly in the future.

TRR and Europeia agreed to third party fact-finding by Amerion, Foreign Minister of The South Pacific, as part of the renewed talks. His mandate was to investigate the following questions, as defined by TRR:

(1) Whether Europeia knows the identity of the leaker;
(2) Whether Europeia is prevented from disclosing further information due to existing treaty obligations;
(3) Whether the information in Europeia's possession suggests an ongoing security risk to TRR.

Amerion discussed the matter confidentially with Europeia, and announced to Aegis that he was "satisfied on all three accounts. I do not believe that Europeia is directly aware of the original source of the information (the leaker); I am confident that existing treaty obligations prevents further disclosure of information and that such a disclosure would cause considerable harm to Europeia; and I do not believe that there is an active security risk to TRR that Europeia is aware of." TRR accepts these findings, and on that basis agrees that Europeia did not conduct espionage, is not aware of any attempts to do so, and is in good standing within Aegis.

Europeia and TRR now consider the matter settled and closed. Neither party will make further claims arising from it. Both regions have agreed to move on and focus on our shared interests. This includes Aegis-wide talks on information handling to strengthen the alliance and ensure in the future, matters such as this one are handled appropriately. Europeia and TRR believe that the Aegis Accords has a bright future, and look forward to building it together.


Catalyse, Delegate
Salem, Officer of External Affairs

Pland Adanna, President
Forillian, Vice President
Kazaman, Advisor for Foreign Affairs
Sanjurika, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Re: Joint Statement: Resolution of Talks between TRR and Europeia

Posted: 04 Jul 2023, 15:03
by Mad Jack
Hey maybe after the talks Europeia will actually bother abiding by the Aegis treaty.

I doubt it, but hey, maybe you'll surprise us.