Spiritus Foreign Dispatch

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Nation: Tim Stark
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Spiritus Foreign Dispatch

Post by Tim »

Spiritus Foreign Update: The “Spiritus can into update?” edition.

The Government of Spiritus

President: Wuufu
Vice President: Tim

Minister of Culture: Wuufu
Deputy Minister of Culture: Vacant

Minister of Defense: Karputsk
Deputy Minister of Defense: Leutheria

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Tim
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs: The Saturnian Republic

Minister of Information: Horse
Deputy Minister of Information: Vacant

Minister of Integration: Toms
Deputy Minister of Integration: Vacant

Minister of World Assembly Affairs: The Salaxalans
Deputy Minister of World Assembly Affairs: Charax

Minister Without Portfolio: Charax

Regional Assembly

Speaker Pro Tempore / Representative: Toms
Representative: Sovreignry
Representative: Charax
Representative: Horse
Representative: The Saturnian Republic
Representative: Butterspring
Representative: Leutheria

Supreme Court

Chief Justice: The Salaxalans
Associate Justice: Isidor C Anumia
Associate Justice: Ceardia

Leutheria and all her evil non hugieness becomes new MoD.

After long time member Karputsk has gone incredibly inactive (at the time of this article, he has not been online for 19 days, and has not posted this month at all), many members of Spiritus were wondering: Who is going to lead the SDF?. This question was a hard one to answer, with so many experienced members in the region (Tim, The Saturnian Republic, etc), the question was hard to answer. Wuufu deliberated on his choice, and he eventually made his decision. Leutheria, the non hugger, was appointed the Deputy Minister of Defense on November 18th. Because of Karp’s inactivity, she now leads the SDF.
Here is the short (and rather funny interview) I had with her.

Spoiler: click to toggle

Our sincerest congratulations go out to her, and may she lead the SDF to glory!

The ebul tea drinkers invade Spiritus for a State visit, crumpets will be shared.

As of November 16th, our friends from across the big pond decided to come down and visit us Spiritans. The visit lasted all week, and much fun was had. Whether it was the RP we had on the forums, the Grooveshark night where we found that anime and soviet songs go rather good together, or our game night, where it was Man VS Man, Man VS Woman, and Man VS Horse. The party is still going on in chat, and you are welcome to join! Hopefully, relations keep going strong, as Spiritus has been invited to The British Isles winter festival. A basket of potatoes will be sent to the British Isles as a gift, and hopefully be made into some chips for Fish and Chips.

Wow. Many laws. Such new; 4 new proposed laws being debated

This month seems to be the month of the amendment. People born in this month are people who want change, great writers, and people who, for some reason, like the toilet paper facing down (those heathens). These laws were authored by Salaxalans(with the help of many citizens), Charax,Ceardia, and The Saturnian Republic. Ceardia’s bill deals with simply the term citizens of Spiritus and what they will be called, Charax’s bill is dealing with elected delegates, Sal’s bill is trying to add another piece to the government and renames the Regional Assembly to the Senate, and finally The Saturnian Republic's bill, which is defining election fraud and adding it as a crime. The Regional Assembly would become the Senate, while a new board would be elected into the new RA. We will keep you all updated on these bills, and whether these pass, fail, or never make it to a vote. Stay tuned, and watch the madness unfold!
Thoughts on the new laws by Citizens:
Anonymous the second

New Spitius press article to be started by the equestrian minister.

After taking office recently, the new Minister of Information will be doing a weekly article, interviewing citizens weekly, on different questions. Whether it be just a general “What’s going on?”, to “What are you planning to do?”, these will be asked, and hopefully answered in either hilarious or serious answers (because we can’t handle both at the same time). The new article is going to try and have new questions every week, with at least the same general base questions “Why did you come here, where is your name from, etc”. New articles will be added hopefully, and the Spiritus press will be back up and running. Hopefully not literally, because that would be terrifying.

White Trash Theater

Moving out of the stone ages and the use of Quipu: Spiritus to now track WA stats and other things by text.

This month, one of the new citizens, Libertarian Librarians, proposed like another region, Global Right Alliance, that we track how citizens rank in the WA, and track their rise and fall in the rankings. This system will use colors to indicate whether someone rose, fell, or stayed in the same place (if that happens, the end time’s have clearly begun *nods*). This system, will hopefully, get more citizens involved in the region, and keep the juggernaut of activity that is Spiritus up and running. Our sincerest thank you goes out to LibLib (their chat name, which we rather like), and hopes that they will continue be a new force for activity.

Horse’s thingymabob of the week: A new FPS game that I recently found.

A few days ago, Horse was going through youtube, watching my videos as usual, when I(Horse) spotted a Let’s Play for a game I had never seen. It had a simple color scheme, simple graphics, etc. I thought to myself “Let’s watch this and good a good laugh at how horrible this is.” After watching the video, I now know why the term “Never judge a book by it’s cover.” exists. While this game IS rather simplistic in design, it’s twist, better then any M.night shyamalan movie (seriously, allergic to water?) has ever come up with. Time only moves when YOU move. In other words, if you shoot your gun, and never move, your bullet just stays there, suspended in space, giving a big middle finger to gravity. This game will keep you entertained for hours, and is EXTREMELY fun. The link for the game will be provided below, and we hope you have a GREAT time playing it.
Enjoy :D.

Written by Horse.
Issues found by Ceardia, The Saturnian Republic, and Salaxalans.
Comments idea suggested by The Saturnian Republic.
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