The Tunguska Event [OOC; Signups]

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The Grim Reaper
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The Tunguska Event [OOC; Signups]

Post by The Grim Reaper »

[The Prologue]

On the 28th of June, 1914, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated in Sarajevo, by the Black Hand. From Yugoslavist nationalistic group Mlada Bosna, it was only by sheer luck that they managed to plan, secure, and execute an assassination predicated totally on supplies from their secretive allies-of-convenience, the Serbian Black Hand. With the benefit of the Serbian Black Hand, one of the assassins would attempt to throw a grenade at the Archduke's car, missing and injuring bystanders. The other assassins would fail to act.

It would only be an hour later that the assassin whose name went down in history would get a second chance, as if by the hand of God. Gavrilo Princip struck Archduke Ferdinand down, as he took a wrong turn down a nearby street as Princip reflected on his failure. With his pistol misfiring, Gavrilo's last hope of unknowingly beginning the Great War was a final device secured by the Black Hand from the Far East - a totem inscribed with Slavic pagan inks made somewhere in Siberia, killing the Archduke with a flash of black magic.

On the 23rd of July, Austria-Hungary, on the advice of senior espionage specialists, delivered the July Ultimatum to Serbia, an excuse to trigger a war which Austria-Hungary expected to use to annex the ailing Serbia. As the dust and sands from the Tunguska Event slowly settled across Europe, the Black Hand's artifact would slowly become not supernatural, but the origin of a new natural.

Six years earlier, the Tunguska meteoroid would introduce magic to the world, activating the Earth's natural laylines on the morning of 30th June, 1908. By 1912, the Child Emperor Puyi of the Qing Dynasty would see over 2,000 years of Imperial China shaken to its core by the widespread awareness of magic flowing from Siberia, taking on a life of its own. And by 1914, it was time for a War that would see the very nature of reality in Europe change.

But that is not our concern. Ours is closer to home, and further in time.

In 1917, a Russia lingering under an ailing Tsarist Autocracy, a fragmented Communist movement, and a nation without a nation would see two Revolutions. On the 16th of March, 1917, three years into the development of magic on the battlefield of Europe, the Dual Power arrangement sidelined a Tsarist regime in exile, placing two disparate institutions - the democratic Provisional Government, and th socialist Petrograd Soviet of Workers' Deputies - in a fragile balance of power. They jostle not just for ideological power, but for political power, military power, and now, for magical power. It is a world unfamiliar to all of them; not just one of democracy, but of sorcery. It is now that our world begins, in a Russia on a scale delicately swinging from one end to another, and weights that no-one knows how to measure.

[The World]

Our Russia is split into three distinct institutions, all of which are governed from Petrograd. They are the 'Dual Powers' - the Petrograd Soviet, and the Provisional Government of Russia - and the the Romanov Court. While the Dual Powers share a mutual distrust in the stability of their dual power, they nevertheless share a common nemesis in the former Tsar Nicholas II and his successor, Tsar Michael II.

The primary division between the Petrograd Soviet and the Provisional Government is the Provisional Government's support for continuing Russian involvement in the Great War, a matter to which the Petrograd Soviet is united in opposing. In all other cases, the two institutions are relatively homogenous. The Petrograd Soviet is dominated but not synonymous with the Bolshevik communists under the Executive Committee of non-revolutionaries Nikolai Ckheidze, Matvei Skobelev, and Alexander Kerensky, who find their primary internal opposition in the Bolshevik revolutionaries led by a gentleman named Vladimir Lenin. The Provisional Government is dominated by the Constitutional Democratic Party, also known as the Kadets, who are considered largely moderate.

In the Winter Palace, the Romanov Dynasty ails but is not yet dead. Tsar Nicholas II has been forced to abdicate, announcing not his haemophiliac son Alexei, but his brother Michael Alexandrovich, as the new Tsar, Michael II. They have been denied refuge by their allies, primarily the United Kingdom fearing a socialist upsurge fuelled by Irish tensions and a France that fears the pro-German leanings of the former Tsarina. Their last hope to escape is to move east and seek the guardianship of the Japanese Emperor - an act that would take them through the cooling but still-beating heart of the Earth's newfound magical energies, in deepest Siberia. Alternatively, Tsar Michael II may attempt to make a last-stand, his notably more concilliatory support for a constitutional monarchy perhaps offering him an outlet that, in the real world, he erred in using by placing himself at the whims of the Provisional Government, who would sign his death warrant. It will be his court's decision whether a White Army under Supreme Governor Admiral Alexander Kolchak is to prosecute a war for a new-born Tsardom under Michael II, or to lead their Tsar to the safety of the Far East.

Outside Russia, four major powers are of note as up-and-coming leaders of the Revolution, as the Dual Power arrangement begins to degrade into an arrangement in name only. The first is Japan, whose Siberian Expeditionary Force under Yui Mitsueh is the primary influence on the troops of the Entente Coalition allied with the White Army, also including significant American resources under William Graves. The second is the Bogd Khaanate of Mongolia, whose concern is simply to secure its independence against the joint turmoils of revolutionary Russia and the still-unstable China - a goal that, in the real world, they would be utterly unable to achieve. The third power is China itself, a nation claiming dynasties older than many states, and the first major world power to have dealt with magic. Those who wish to concern themselves with China's careful plotting of a course between the Republic situated in 1912 and the rising undercurrents of socialism from the north, in the real world coming to a head with the founding of the Communist Party in 1921 and then the Chinese Revolution in 1946, will do so with a map redefined by the unpredictable. The last major power is the Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army of Ukraine (RIAU, or Makhnovshchina), an anarchist militant group led by Nestor Makhno as the most significant segment of Russia's 'Black Guards'. Their war is against the Hetmanate, Ukraine's puppet-government under the German military - but it is one that they will prosecute against all comers, as they face the Entente on one side, the Triple Alliance on the other, and their ideological rival in the socialist sphere, the Bolsheviks.

==[OPTIONAL: While this is necessary background information, the Fate Point rules included are totally optional. Skip to the very bottom for an application if you don't want to use Fate Points!]==

[Factions & Institutions]
Your characters play a member of or a sympathizer with one of those three Institutions, taking on its Fate Point restriction. You may also optionally align yourself with one of the four factions, giving your party a relationship with the other characters in our world towards a shared end; or, instead, stay neutral in order to bide your time to pick a side later or to work pragmatically towards empowering your institution as an ends in itself. Below are the factions, and the major powers that make the most sense next to them - major powers indicated with an * are those which will be created during the RP.

Other major institutions - in particular, Makhnovshschina and the Entente Coalition - are fundamentally militaristic in nature, and do not have distinct political institutions outside of warfare unless they are created in the span of the roleplay.


Each of Russia's three significant power-broking institutions at the start of play fulfill different roles in Russian society. These roles give each one of these institutions a weakness in one of three of the spheres of national power - foreign affairs, military affairs, and domestic affairs. Their weakness prevents their characters from using Fate Points to intervene in these spheres unless those characters are directly involved in the situation in question. You can use Fate Points to do the things that the other two institutions cannot.

The Romanov Court has the benefit of public recognition from anti-communist monarchies across Europe, and as the status quo, as well as Tsar Michael II's strong associations with the military. Their weakness is domestic affairs, as the Tsardom becomes more and more removed from an increasingly radicalized peasantry. Characters aligned towards the Romanov Court CANNOT spend Fate Points dictating the interests of the Russian populace unless those characters intervene personally.

The Petrograd Soviet claims a militaristic paramilitary vanguard drawn from a radical revolutionary spirit. Their role as the first among nominal equals of workers' soviets across the countries gives them a significant symbolic world as a leadership for the peasants by workers. However, as a threat to international stability and a dedicated voice against World War I, they are anathema in the courts of Europe and find themselves unable to effectively use foreign affairs as an instrument of politics. Characters aligned towards the Petrograd Soviet CANNOT spend Fate Points dictating the interests of Russia's foreign benefactors and enemies unless those characters intervene personally.

The Provisional Government holds the hopes of the people and the nobility alike, representing a large swathe of the domestic population as it moves towards a democratic legislature. As an empowered democratic institution claiming some of Russia's most capable statesmen, it further replaces the legitimacy of the newly crowned Tsar with sheer pragmatism and experience on the world stage. What it does not have is the capacity to enforce its policies via a military, as important noble and officer powerbrokers swarm the Romanov Court whilst the manpower of the peasantry inclined towards taking up arms join the institution inclined towards using said arms. Characters aligned towards the Provisional Government CANNOT spend Fate Points dictating the interests of military actions in Russia or in World War I unless those characters intervene personally.

It is possible to use a Fate Point to move from one Institution to another - if, in the course of the RP, new Institutions are created, this Fate Point may be charged on a buy-one-get-one-free basis, allowing you to declare a fact about the world as normal as an incentive for populating new Institutions.


The four factions represent different ideals for what Russia should become, using Russia's institutions and those of its neighbours in order to pursue their ideal. Factions each have a way of maximizing Fate Point gain, handled by players, and also a way to receive Fate Points, handled by the OP.

The White Army [A big-tent coalition of anti-communists] - Split between monarchists [The Romanov Court] and liberal democrats & capitalists [The Entente Coalition, the Romanov Court], the White Army's most significant choice will come from their vision for a future Tsar Michael II - who, in the real world, proved so amicable to the wave of democratic agitation as to resign immediately - and whether to attempt the impossible in seeing that vision through from Petrograd, or to attempt the improprietous in seeing that vision through from Tokyo. Its members are everything from personal retinues to the Romanovs, to military officials dedicated to the service of Admiral Alexander Kolchak, to wealthy industrialists hoping to regain their fortunes at some point in the future, to representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, to common democrat ideologues. Major characters with the White Army have a chance of gaining an extra Fate Point if they are operating without any other characters controlled by the same player, representing the inner politics of a fragile, big-tent Court. The chance is 1/2.

The Green Army [Peasant organizations loosely tied together by a shared concern in protecting themselves, captures most moderate leftwingers who do not attempt to change the Red Army from within] - This is the faction that is most removed from politics, but they are nominally associated with the Socialist-Revolutionary Party [the Provisional Government]. Many of their most senior officials are disillusioned former members of the Red and White Armies, and may indeed share secret sympathies with the most moderate of those groups. Depending on the strategic circumstances of the revolution, a nascent RIAU [Makhnovshchina*] may also be a logical ally-of-convenience against both the White and Red Army. A grouping largely defined by their localities, particular characters may find it natural to align themselves with the Japanese expeditionary force in Siberia [The Entente Coalition], or to broker a truly unexpected alliance with their Mongolian neighbours [the Bogd Khanate] - this last group would be both the most anachronistic of the Tunguska Event's factions, but also the one that stands to gain the most from a newly birthed magical world. Characters with the Green Army have a chance of gaining an extra Fate Point if they are operating with characters from multiple institutions, representing the importance of ideological diversity to their political worldview. The chance is 2/3rds if they are operating with two institutions, and guaranteed if they operate with three or more.

The Black Guards [Anarchists] - Gaining its first bout of truly popular support in the wake of oppression of leftists by the Bolshevik-led Soviet, the Black Guards will find an uneasy alliance with these more moderate socialists [the Provisional Government] necessary if they are unable to broker power in the Bolshevik-dominated [Petrograd Soviet]. The RIAU [Makhnovshchina*] will eventually style itself in the manner of the Black Guards, and should the Black Guards become unwelcome in Russia, they will find themselves welcome in an anarchist Ukraine. For now, however, the Black Army largely works as a subversive, anti-institutional faction opposed to anti-anarchist sentiment in the Provisional Government. For now, their links to the Provisional Government and Soviet are often predicated on informal, lackadaisical support for repossession of territory and joint combat against the White Army. Characters with the Black Guard have a chance of gaining an extra Fate Point if they are operating against multiple institutions at once. The chance is 2/3rds if they are operating against two institutions, and guaranteed if they operate against three or more.

The Red Army [Dominated by Bolsheviks and other socialists] - Largely defined by its association with the Bolsheviks [The Petrograd Soviet], and later becoming the armed forces of the new Soviet Union, it remains to be seen if the Tunguska Event's Russia will see a more complex Soviet political structure. If the Bolsheviks are unable to consolidate power, it may indeed transpire that the Red Army can forge a path of thorns out of snow. It is, generally speaking, a formalized wing of the Petrograd Soviet, although this could change at the drop of a hat. Characters with the Red Army have a chance of gaining an extra Fate Point if they are operating with multiple characters controlled by the same player, representing the Red Army's political unification of distinct power interests. The chance is the characters present as a percentage of the player's total controlled characters.

It is possible to use a Fate Point to move from one Faction to another, but only if your character can interact with someone of the destination faction in your character's Institution.

==[OPTIONAL: How Parties Work]==

This RP can be played either as an individual character, or with a Party. Only Parties need to read the following, although individual characters can use the rules here as if they were a one-character Party if they choose to. Individual characters can also form a Party later on.

[Fate Points]

Fate Points are the central resource of the Tunguska Event, representing you as a player. They can be used at will to create a new Fact about the world, like creating a new event, changing how nations feel about each other, adding a new feature to the Tunguska magic system, or creating a powerful NPC.

Players earn Fate Points from the OP by creating weaknesses for their characters - physically, mentally, or socially. You can also earn Fate Points for helping other players to achieve their goals, or create more interesting stories about their own characters. It is perfectly acceptable to use Fate Points for your characters' benefit.


Every player is represented in the RP by a Party. A Party is a small group of characters, connected through their social ties and a personal relationship. Parties usually have a shared goal or vision for the future. A player's control over their characters is mainly utilized through their Party, as they have the ability to set the interests and actions of their Party.

Developing the characters in your Party is your primary interest as a player. Major characters may become minor characters, and minor characters may walk away from your Party, whether or not you continue to fight the same enemies for the same Russia. However, your Party remains yours.


There are three types of characters - Player Characters (PCs), Side Characters (SCs), and Non-Player Characters (NPCs). Player Characters are controlled only by the Player who created them, just like an ordinary character roleplay. Side Characters can be controlled by anyone, but continue to work towards the interests of the Party that they are a member of - usually, the one of the Player that created them. Finally, NPCs can be played by anyone, as long as it is done in line with their personal interests and goals.

You can change a character's type with Fate Points. It costs a Fate Point to swap a PC and an SC in the same Party, and a Fate Point to swap an SC and an NPC. For two Fate Points and the creation of a new NPC, you can add an NPC to your Party (changing them to an SC) if it can be roleplayed, or for the same cost, upgrade one of your own SCs to a PC (in other words, creating a new player character slot).

Players can have one Player Character at any one time, for free. Others must be bought with Fate Points as above. You can create new NPCs whenever you want.


Relationships are the primary relative measure of a character and party's worth. Every character has a relationship with their party - measured on a scale from 0 to 6, and with either a positive or a negative direction. Parties also have relationships with the four Factions. The four Factions also have relationships with the Russian Institutions. A Party with across-the-board good or bad relationships is one with a strong level of fame or infamy in its own right; a Party with extremely distinct relationships is, conversely, a highly political one. Parties can develop more specific relationships with each other over time, but simply represent their Faction by default.

Finally, relationships have an 'Attitude' - a word or phrase representing the thing on which the relationship is predicated. This could be a formal "Alliance Treaty", a "Shared Interest in [a City]", a "Personal Friendship between [Leaders]", or something more negative, like "Ideological Rivalry". Changing this Attitude represents changes in a relationship's nature - if a rolled d6 falls under the value of the relationship in either direction, and one or both of the entities are controlled by players, the player/s involved get a Fate Point, can agree on a new Attitude, and change the relationship's value to the value of the roll (the difference represents the difficulty and tension caused by the repositioning).

You can also roll a d6 against a Side Character's relationship with your Party in order to downgrade them to an NPC. If the d6 falls under their positive relationship, they leave the Party to support your agenda independently, gaining you a Fate Point. If the d6 falls under their negative relationship, they leave the Party to find a new agenda, again gaining you a Fate Point. If the d6 exceeds their relationship in either direction, they are not ready to leave the Party and you get no Fate Point.


If you are not using the OPTIONAL rules in the sections above, then simply fill out this application as for one Major Character. Minor Characters and Parties are part of the Optional Ruleset, and you can choose to start using them later.

Remember that the basis for most direct action in the RP will be the city of Petrograd (St Petersberg).

- Mandatory for all Characters & Parties -
Personality: [How a character or party presents themselves to the outside world]
Institution: [Compulsory if you wish to use Fate Points, Optional otherwise: Which of the three Institutions are you linked to, and how? You can join one later.]
Faction: [Optional for all Characters: Which of the four Armies are you linked to, and how? You can join one later.]
Their Mission and/or Occupation:
Their Vision for the Future:
Their Values:
Skills & Resources: [Their wealth, their abilities, their special contacts and privileges]
Their Drive: [Their Drive is the one thing that they believe unwaveringly will change their own future - their dynastic heritage as military commanders, their belief in the power of visual art, the inarguable power of new-fangled fighter aerocraft]

- Mandatory for Majors & Parties, Optional for Minors -
An existing character that's currently on their mind and why: [If that character doesn't already have an app, make an app for them too in this post]
A reason to know them: [This should be a reason many people can have, and might not relate to them as a person/party but as an identity; i.e. secretly funding a well-known political publication, an author, or an anonymous thief with a infamous calling-card]
Important NPC & Faction Relationships:

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The Tunguska Event [OOC; Signups]

Post by Nequedum »

Application: Including 1 RPC, 1 Party & 1 SPC (all interconnected)

- RPC -
Ralph Jones Cameron
44 years old
Calculating and diplomatic; he leaves his intentions hidden and plays his cards very close to his chest, if not only for the sole reason of his own personal cards mostly remaining blank due to harsh inner-scrutiny.
The Romanov Court - Lt. Gen. Ralph Jones Cameron was sent from Great Britain as a military attache to ensure that Tsar Michael II fulfills his commitment to transitioning the Russian Empire's 'Tsardom' into a constitutional monarchy. His country's interests lay with investing in the Provisional Government, while also preparing the ground works for supplying a 'White Army' led by someone such as Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak.
The White Army through the British Empire's intentions to fund and support an authoritarian democratic state with both arms and expeditionaries if the Russian Empire erupts into civil war. Overall, their goal is to keep the Eastern Front operational to relieve pressure until they even win out through a technological advantage, of which they need to start gaining through their resource advantage, or through enlisting the involvement of the United States of America.
Their Mission and/or Occupation:
Lieutenant General of the British Army (military attache/diplomat)
Their Vision for the Future:
The Russian Empire transitioning into a constitutional monarchy that is friendly to British investment. Russia was the last European serfdom, and has open doors for economic activity, however Ralph's personal politics are more along the lines of radical centrism. His education has led to him following on from influential liberal political philosophers such as John Stuart Mill with left-wing sympathies influenced by Karl Marx's controversial undertones that also touched Mill's later work.
Their Values:
Ralph values a democratic state, and, while riding the generalisations of Mill's work of liberation, also agrees with Mill's later assessment that follows closely to Marx's view of reality in which freedom is something that can also be given and is not innate within anarchy, but much rather a product of civilised society to be given down from a centralised power of the people, for the people and by the people.
Skills & Resources:
While coming from a wealthy estate, Ralph is also a Lieutenant General of the British Army. Hence, Ralph is of noble birth, and yet he recognises this position of leverage through his education and learnt to despise it through an abusive upbringing as a result of his father's alcoholism.
Their Drive:
Ralph's drive is his faith in democracy to overcome the dark days of the Great War. A belief that together people, not Kings, can win out while not abandoning the very same systems that recognised themselves as civilised through a constitution that has been developed through laws as society has evolved, as is the case with the British Empire.
Ralph, being raised within the estate of Cameron, is well-educated through a set of private tutors of the family's own pocket, serving as their own benefactors of which makes apparent their wealth. While being much loved by his mother, she died in labor when he was merely the age of nine. From then on he found himself under the stern guidance of his father, who received honourary discharge from the British Army, having served as a Major General, as a result of turning to alcoholism after losing the nucleus of the family in the form of his wife. Ralph quickly rose in military rank himself through his discipline and initiative, even though his interests lay in politics, however his interests were recognised through the British Army promoting him once more during the losses of the Great War to the rank of Lieutenant General in order to server as a military military attache (diplomat) to ensure the continuation of service for the Entente along the Eastern Front by the Russian Empire and its allies.
An existing character that's currently on their mind and why:
Tsar Michael II
A reason to know them:
Ralph must ensure that the Tsar follows through with his promise to work alongside the Provisional Government to form a constitutional monarchy. His role is also to ensure the White Army can be well-supplied and organised under national leadership. Scouting people out, such as naval high-ranking officer Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak, is a part of the job, as well as preparing a strategy if Russia finds itself erupting once more (as is surely the case when there's a tendency for there to be little if not any food).
Important Relationships:
British Diplomatic Mission to the Russian Empire (Party): 5 - Allegiance to the British Army

- Party -
British Diplomatic Mission to the Russian Empire
3 years (Roughly 420 years: 1497 CE, through John Cabot, to the current 1917 CE)
“The Great Balancer”
The Romanov Court - From one monarchy to another, attempting to ensure a smooth transition to a constitutional monarchy that remains within Great Britain's sphere of influence. British current interests lay with investing in the Provisional Government, while also preparing the ground works for supplying a 'White Army' led by someone such as Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak, to ensure that the Eastern Front remains operational.
The White Army through the British Empire's intentions to fund and support an authoritarian democratic state with both arms and expeditionaries if the Russian Empire erupts into civil war. Overall, their goal is to keep the Eastern Front operational to relieve pressure until they even win out through a technological advantage, of which they need to start gaining through their resource advantage, or through enlisting the involvement of the United States of America.
Their Mission and/or Occupation:
To defeat the Central Powers in the Great War and establish a democratic sphere of influence open to investment.
Their Vision for the Future:
A world of the people, by the people and for the people from traditional democracies to liberal democracies, of which are open to investment within a British sphere of influence. World governance is also on the minds of the British Empire.
Their Values:
The British Empire values democracy over all other ideologies, but intends to expand their sphere of influence for economical gain.
Skills & Resources:
As the largest Empire in the world to ever have existed, their resources a high. While their military is not as grand as other European powers, they do boost a large pool of resources and various holdings across the world with volunteer forces to relieve the main British Army with younger recruits that can serve as equivalents to the German Stormtroopers.
Their Drive:
To win the Great War and ensure the popularity and faith in democracy to grow and consume the world, bringing it into the British Empire's sphere of influence for economic gain.
The British Empire is a, if not the, influential member state of the Entente, alongside France and the withstanding Franco-Russian Alliance. The British Empire comprises of dominions, colonies, protectorates, mandates and other territories ruled by Great Britain. While a constitutional monarchy, its constitution has arisen unofficially as a result of legislation in a process of natural progression into civility within the public sphere. The Great War is a means to end of authoritarian rule that disregards the people; a rule that is not of, nor by but somehow still for the people. Long gone are the days of serfdoms and an unaware public in the eyes of this state still clinging to the existence of the largest Empire in the world, of which has been forged by the wake of colonialism, the creation of a sense of identity found in nationalism and the Industrial Revolution. These holdings of the Empire, and even those of Great Britian itself, have paid a great debt to this ideal already in the war. The British Empire accepted the call to arms after the invasion of the neutral Belgium state by the Central Powers and volunteers, through indoctrinating mediums of propaganda, come from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Newfoundland and the Union of South Africa to the Western Front, Southern Front and African Front in answer to the Empire's call to join the fight.
An existing character that's currently on their mind and why:
Tsar Michael II
A reason to know them:
The British Empire must ensure that the Tsar follows through with his promise to work alongside the Provisional Government to form a constitutional monarchy in order to elongate the Central Power's supply demands through the Eastern Front. Supplying an army, such as the White Army, that is loyal to the Tsar and to democracy will ensure that the country remains within the Entente. Food also appears to be rather scarce within the region due to poor regional management.
Important Relationships:
White Army (Faction): 5 - Triple Entente; Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907 (Allies)
Green Army (Faction): 1 - Shared interest in Democracy and Prolonging the Eastern Front (Neutral)
Black Guard (Faction): -4 - Viewed as Undisciplined Rebels (KOS)
Red Army (Faction): -2 - Ideological Rivalry (no open hostilities)

- SPC -
Rodger Miles Williams
37 years old
Formal and excitable; as a diplomat, Rodger is excited by the prospects that the Great War brings, and the loss of life is not apparent to him. Rather, he is exciting to have the opportunity to travel to far lands and practice his Russian.
The Romanov Court - Diplomat Rodger Miles Williams has been sent to assist Lt. Gen. Ralph Jones Cameron with his Russian as well as provide the conceptual framework and guidance to Tsar Michael II to fulfill the Tsar's commitment to transitioning the Russian Empire's 'Tsardom' into a constitutional monarchy. His country's interests lay with investing in the Provisional Government.
The White Army through the British Empire's intentions to fund and support an authoritarian democratic state with both arms and expeditionaries if the Russian Empire erupts into civil war. Overall, their goal is to keep the Eastern Front operational to relieve pressure until they even win out through a technological advantage, of which they need to start gaining through their resource advantage, or through enlisting the involvement of the United States of America.
Their Mission and/or Occupation:
Diplomat; Linguist; Translator
Their Vision for the Future:
The Russian Empire transitioning into a constitutional monarchy that can work alongside the British legal system and British investments through similar regulation, or lack thereof. Russia was the last European serfdom, and has open doors for economic activity, of which Miles believes he can help his country exploit.
Their Values:
Ralph values a democratic state but is morally grey in both how to achieve it and how to use it to his own nation's advantage. Therefore, his values are questionable as they do not extend beyond legal definitions.
Skills & Resources:
While coming from a wealthy estate, Miles also has the backing of the British government. His resources and contacts therefore connect back to the political sphere and the influence that sways.
Their Drive:
Miles's drive is his faith in his Empire to overcome the world's military focus and bring about a new economical age of prosperity as a result of British investors.
Important Relationships:
British Diplomatic Mission to the Russian Empire (Party): 6 - Allegiance to the British Empire
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The Grim Reaper
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The Tunguska Event [OOC; Signups]

Post by The Grim Reaper »

Lovely app; your appearances at the court will certainly give Tsar Michael II no small comfort. Accepted!
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