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[DEFEATED] Condemn The Communist Bloc

Posted: 15 Jan 2023, 22:07
by kyorgia

The Security Council

Condemn The Communist Bloc

A resolution to express shock and dismay at a nation or region.

Category: Condemnation | Nominee: The Communist Bloc | Proposed by: Watermelon
The World Assembly,

Absolutely despising the infamous region known as The Communist Bloc, which shall be known as TCB throughout this proposal, for its malicious stances and shenanigans,

Disgusted over the region's endorsement of a leftist form of Nazism, which is wrongly yet purposely classified as a democratic form of communism,

Revealing TCB's classification of themselves as a raider region, a classification that they deny publicly yet privately confirm,

Furious over the region's cooperation with horrible organizations despised by the Security Council,

Concerned over TCB's dictatorial rule on its citizens, who are forbidden to criticize them,

Believing that it was, is, and will be a duty of the Security Council to challenge TCB,

Hereby condemns The Communist Bloc.
Link to the discussion on the NS Forums


Please vote and discuss below. Feel free to make additional posts in discussion.

Re: [AT VOTE] Condemn The CommuAhanist Bloc

Posted: 15 Jan 2023, 22:09
by Frenchy
Against, lol

Re: [AT VOTE] Condemn The Communist Bloc

Posted: 15 Jan 2023, 22:09
by Salem

Re: [AT VOTE] Condemn The Communist Bloc

Posted: 15 Jan 2023, 22:09
by Catalyse
Against. Low quality proposal.

Re: [AT VOTE] Condemn The Communist Bloc

Posted: 15 Jan 2023, 22:20
by BowShot118